12ft Skiffs

The 12ft skiff is a development class that is sailed in NSW, QLD and New Zealand.

The main regattas are the State, Australian and Inter-dominion Championships. NSW also holds interclub regattas during the season at Lane Cove, Abbotsford and The Sydney Flying Squadron.

The major regatta is the Inter-dominion Championships normally held in January. The 62nd Inter-dominion Championships will be held between 6th-14th January 2024 at Akarana Yacht Club – Auckland NZ. Traditionally the event alternates between Australian and New Zealand.

Previous regattas have seen close and tightly fought contests and the upcoming event is certainly appearing like it will be too.

Lane Cove hosts around 10 regular starters weekly with that number swelling to 15 or so for an interclub regatta. During the State Titles we would expect that to be closer to 20. Lane Cove will be hosting the   first heat  of the State Titles on the 3rd of December. 

The class caters for those who love the thrill of skiff sailing with skipper & crew ages ranging up from the mid-teens.

Whilst sailing any Skiff demands a basic level of sailing knowledge, generally once you have the key elements figured out, you’ll be hooked on the adrenalin blast which is running ‘two string’ (on the trapeze) with the spinnaker up like a rocket down the harbour. No matter if you’re first or dead last, everyone comes together at the end of a race for a beer on the deck to talk about their rides of the day.

Contact the Class Secretary if you are interested or want a ride. 

For further information contact Class Secretary, David Winning  at 12footers@lc12ftssc.org.au