
Sailing at Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club is something that the whole family can be involved in.  We cater for all ages of sailors across our fleets and welcome, and need, support in non-sailing volunteer activities. By volunteering you will be joining a welcoming and fun community of friends. 

Response Boats 

If you would like to be out on the water, enjoying our wonderful harbour and getting a front seat to the racing action, come out on one of the Club's Response Boats. Our dedicated Response Team ensures the safety and smooth operation of our sailing events, and we love taking out enthusiastic new volunteers to share the action with. 

 There are no minimum skill or experience requirements besides a desire to be on the water. Some people are keen to just to help keep a look out, others like to learn new skills including boat handling, assisting sailors and race management. This could even start you on the path to your NSW Powerboat licence. At all times you will be with an experienced and enthusiastic Response Boat operator. 

Crewing a response boat does not need to be a weekly commitment, however many say it's one of the highlights of their week. 

It's a wonderful day out and there's no better way to get close to the sailing, apart from sailing a boat yourself!

If you are interested please contact Ian Nicholson, the Club's On Water Captain -  onwatercaptain@lc12ftssc.org.au. 


The Club's canteen operates every race day. We have a selection of lunches available including ham and salad rolls, pies, sausage rolls and a great selection of drinks and confectionery. Like everything else at the Club, the canteen operates on volunteers and all the profits go to supporting the Club’s activities.

Volunteering in the canteen is a great place to contribute, you meet just about everyone and they all appreciate what you are doing for them AND you don’t even have to know anything about sailing! Volunteering for a shift is also a fantastic opportunity for anyone wanting to accrue volunteer hours for the Duke of Edinburgh or similar types of awards.

The Club encourages volunteers to do a Responsible Service of Alcohol course. After completing three shifts in the canteen, ask and we will refund your fee.

Please contact Karen Whitehead, the Club's Honorary  Assistant Treasurer - Canteen, to volunteer for a shift. 


In 2009 with a few members having just retired and a few others already retired or otherwise available, we formed a group with the plan to meet at the Club fortnightly and do a bit of maintenance, do a bit of socialising and generally fill in some of all that spare time we were told we would have when we retired. We struggled for an acronym that would describe us, not wanting to limit the group by gender or age. In the end we decided on RUST (Retired and Unemployed Support Team).

Fifteen years later, seven of the original group continue to attend on a regular basis, we are still going and the Club continues to provide us with plenty of work, some of it creative, some of it routine maintenance and some of it just cleaning up after others (that’s the boring bit). We always welcome anyone who would like to join us, you don’t have to come every fortnight, although you will probably want to, and you don’t need any particular skills but if you do we’ll try to use them.

Want to join us? Contact Jack Winning RUST@lc12ftssc.org.au

Sailing Instructors 

Our sailing instructors are a vital part of our Club, mentoring the younger generation and instilling in them important knowledge and a passion for sailing. Instructors are generally aged 12 to 20 years of age, and are supported to attain their dinghy instructor training qualifications through Australian Sailing. By instructing, our young sailors learn valuable life skills, including teamwork, mentorship, responsibility and communication.  

If interestd in becoming an instructor, please contact Karyn Gojnich, the Club's Discover Sailing Centre Principle, at training@lc12ftssc.org.au

Starting and Finishing 

Our starting and finishing team is comprised of a dedicated group of volunteers who run the starts for each class on a Saturday afternoon, and record and publish the results. 

Additional assistance is always welcome, and no prior knowledge or experience is required to volunteer in the starting and finishing team. Please contact Andrew Glassock, the Club's Principal Race Officer, pro@lc12ftssc.org.au for more information