
The Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club takes an earnest interest in its commitment to creating a Club environment that enables members to participate in sailing activities safely and one that assures the safety of our volunteers, visitors and members of the public. To support this commitment, the Club has developed a number of policies, strategies and governance structures which are outlined below. 

The Club's Constitution sets out the objectives of the Club and the provisions that govern its management. 

The Club Rules sets out the enforceable rules that bind the conduct of members and the use of the Club's facilities 

The Sailing Instructions sets out the rules that govern racing and relates to the Racing Rules of Sailing.

The Essential Sailing Information outlines the considerations that a sailor must make before making the decison to race - be aware, think a head and be responsible. 

The Boat Storage Protocol sets out the rules that govern boat storage at the Club. 

The Operations Plan provides guidance to office bearers on the all the processes and practices required for the operations of the Club.  The Operations Plan includes the Club’s Incident Response Plan.

The Risks Management Plan systematically identified the risks facing the Club and outlines the way in which the risks are managed or mitigated. 

The Long-term Capital Works Programme plans the longer term capital investment needed to maintain and renew major assets.

The Child Safe and Intervention Policy sets out the way that the Club manages issues related to child safety

The Safety Policy outlines the Club’s commitment to manage work, health and safety issues and safety generally.

Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected whilst at the Club. If you witness or experience an incident please submit an incident report to the committee, who will deal with your submission discreetly and seriously.